Minola Premium Coconut Oil: Healthy Option For The Heart
With all the health hazards we face each day, staying in top shape is number one priority. It would not matter what age you are because life expectancy is getting shorter. Also, heart disease is not so common anymore. Lifestyle is a huge factor and that is the reason I am picky about what I eat. Whether we accept it or not, fatty and oily food is hard to stay away from. Just thinking about Bagnet, roasted pig and the likes makes me drool. Eating delicious food becomes a reward for many after a hard day’s work.
Filipino food, in general, is prepared using cooking oil and it is quite hard to choose which one is safe to use. There are a wide variety of cooking oils from plant sources such as olive oil, coconut oil, palm oil, soybean oil, canola oil, corn oil, peanut oil and other vegetable oils, as well as animal-based oils like butter and lard. Having been invited to attend a talk gave me an opportunity to learn the truth.

“Coconut oil: The Truth Shall Make You Healthy”. The forum was given by Dr. Fabian M. Dayrit who is a professor from Ateneo de Manila University, the Acting-President of National Academy of Science and Technology, and Chair & Scientific Advisory Comittee for Health, Asian and Pacific Coconut Community. Now, that’s what I call credentials!

Dr. Dayrit started with a brief history of the Coconut. The Coconut tree originated from the Palm Family with the scientific name Arecaceae and is the only member of the genus Cocos. After a process of natural selection over approximately 80 million years, the coconut developed the capacity to spread across the ocean. It spread across the ocean and survives up to 120 days floating in seawater making its way to the land. The origins of the coconut is Southeast Asia and South India. According to Philippine history, Copra and Coconut oil were exported to Europe to be used as raw material for soap and Margarine.

The second part of the program discussed about saturated fat and heart disease. Saturated fats provides a higher risk of acquiring Cardiovascular Heart Disease. It raises the cholesterol level in the blood. In addition, saturated fats can be found in animal food products such as lard, butter, palm oil, meat, and cheese. If not consumed moderately, eating these kinds of food will increase cholesterol level and increase the rate of mortality.

Perhaps the most important part of the talk was about Frying with unsaturated oils. Unknown to many, it produces Free Radicals and Trans Fat. It also increases the risk of Stroke, inflammation, and Cancer. To prove a point, studies show that there is a higher rate of Obesity in some places in the Pacific like Nauru, Cook Islands, Samao & US due to huge consumption of margarine, butter, chicken, and meat causing a higher incidence of heart problems.

The last part of the session was comprised mainly of the advantages of using Coconut oil. It contains Lauric acid which is present in Minola premium Coconut oil. Minola has SATURATED fatty acids that is easier to digest. Saturated fatty acids is not stored as fat which means MINOLA PREMIUM COCONUT OIL IS SAFE TO USE. Coconut oil is proven to be safe and beneficial to our well-being.
The insights I learned from the discussion are essential. This forum provided crystal clear information on which kind of cooking oil to use. Little things that we change in our lifestyle makes a big impact on our health.
Minola Premium cooking oil had been one of the staple pieces on every Filipino modern day families. The benefits of Minola had strengthened our relationship with our loved ones as the benefits gears towards achieving a healthy heart.